About Us

Colby and Gary Hatch are Local insurance brokers in the state of Utah. They work with Health Matters to help clients navigate the ever-changing insurance marketplace out of an office in Holladay, Utah and a mountain home in Hanna, Utah (Duchesne County).

Gary Hatch has been licensed as an Insurance Broker since 1974 and Colby Hatch has been licensed and doing health and life insurance since 2010. Colby and Gary also run another family business, Private Client Advisers, www.privateclientadvisers.com. On the Insurance side of our family business we provide full service consultations and case management for our clients. We pride ourselves on the customer service that we provide for our clients and we focus on working with their ever-changing needs to offer them the best protection while making sure it fits within their budget. We are a Family Business with Colby and Gary on the front end, working with new clients, while Gale Hatch and Michael Hatch help us handle the back end, and the ongoing customer service.